INCENZO Lifestyle: Simple Practices for Intentional Living

INCENZO Intentional Living Lifestyle

We’ve gathered some simple actions to help you start "intentional living," even if it’s just for 5 minutes every day at the beginning of your journey. If you're looking for a companion along the way, try our incense sticks that offer a 30-minute peaceful time with a little flame!

Sit with Your Breaths

Meditation and mindfulness have become popular recently, but for some, it either sounds too complicated or creates further pressure of “thinking too much.” A simpler version of being with oneself is actually just sitting with your breath.

Start with a 5-minute timer, sit or lie down comfortably, and feel your body as it breathes. Notice the chest and belly, feel the nostrils, and observe how each part of the body feels. If you notice any areas of tightness, acknowledge and accept them, allowing them to relax at their own pace.

INCENZO Channel Cedar and Agarwood Incense

If you feel irritated and cannot settle down, try INCENZO’s Channel incense! Made with cedar, our Channel incense is perfect for calming the nerves and mind with its woody scent. Once you get used to being with your breath, try pondering questions about your values, preferences, and the kind of life you want to live for your own happiness. We’d love to be your silent cheerleader on this journey.

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